Dark Side Redemption
Catherine Kitcho
- Trade Paperback, 354 pages, $16.95
- Kindle eBook, $8.99

Tia is in federal prison for passport fraud, and used her twin sister Tara’s identity to travel from Mexico to L.A. to work for Sun Angle, a drug trafficking front. When Tia didn’t arrive on a flight from Mazatlan, Sun Angle assumed they were compromised and moved their offices suddenly.
Tia’s afraid to reveal her Mexico connections, but her lawyer crafts a plea agreement with the DEA and prosecutor to have Tia serve her sentence in California, then in Guadalajara, working for the DEA. Twin sister Tara assists in the cartel investigations.
The pressure is on for Tia to provide evidence to the DEA or she’ll return to prison. Will she give up her Mexico connections to redeem herself with the law, her twin and her family?
Specifications and Where to Buy:
Dark Side Redemption
Catherine Kitcho
(2021), 354 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-929936-16-8